Finally, Important Day is here!
You must have heard this all your life, from your friends, your parents, your teachers that the Board exam is the most important exam of your life. It has been drilled into your head that you have to do very well in your Board exams to have a bright future and a good career. You have worked really hard for almost two years to get to this point and now the most important day is finally here! Your hands are shaking with nervousness; you can feel your heartbeat increasing as you sit down at your desk. You pick up the question paper and you panic as you look at the lengthy questions. No, no! Let's take a deep breath and rewind a little bit to when you entered the exam hall. It is very natural to become nervous during an important exam but do not panic when you see the question. We are going to provide you with some excellent tips on how to manage your time efficiently without losing out on a single question during your board exam.
Using Your Time Wisely
In order to save yourself from this unnecessary panic, the most important tip is to practice before. Solve practice papers in an exam environment, set a stopwatch for two or three hours, before the exam. Solving practice papers is not just for understanding the exam pattern but to get you accustomed to solving 25-40 questions at a stretch without any significant break.
Take a good ten minutes at the beginning of your exam to skim through the question paper. Do not begin writing in a hurry. Mark the question which you think will need more time and then prioritize accordingly. Putting down key words next to each question might also help your thought process to flow smoothly, thus saving you some time.
Try to solve the easier questions first. Most of the time it is not mandatory for you to solve the question according to the serial order. You can change the order and solve the easier ones first. This will allow you to leave the rest of the time for the lengthy questions. It will also boost your confidence a little bit as you will have solved half the questions correctly.
While practicing beforehand, make sure to allocate a certain time for each section. For example, if there are four sections in your question paper and you have three hours to solve it, either try to allocate equal time to each section or according to the difficulty level of the questions in each section. Even during the exam, time yourself and make sure you get through each section in the allocated time, thus ensuring that you complete your paper.
While solving the paper, you should not get stuck on any particular question. Leave the question if you are not able to recall the answer within 1 to 2 minutes of reading it. At times there is a situation when you might know answers to only some parts of the question. You should write what you know and jump to another question. You can then come back to these questions later as soon as you finish the rest of the paper.